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Showing posts from September, 2020

S. Mohinder: the Soulful Musician

S. Mohinder was a versatile composer, who made good use of traditional folk music in his compositions. His original style was Punjabi centric, but Benares groomed him into the classical traditions of Uttar Pradesh and Bombay gave him an all Indian grooming in music. In mid 1950s, his soulful and haunting melody “Guzra Hua Zamana Aata Nahin Dobara…” (Shirin Farhad) virtually reigned the Radio airwaves of Indian Continent. Destiny took him from the depths of obscurity to the centre of Bollywood where his unique compositions cemented his storied legacy. He was abundantly talented and way ahead of his time. His music is full of spirituality and he brought Gurbani to the world forum through Nanak Nam Jahaz Hai (1969). The way Beatles is remembered in the western music, S. Mohinder enjoys the same stature in Punjabi Cinema. Bakshi Mohinder Singh Sarna (S. Mohinder) was born on February 24, 1925, in Sillanwala, Tehsil Pakpatan (District Montgomery) of undivided Punjab. The title ‘Bakshi’ wa...