Bollywood's classic Ice Queen Rekha, a timeless beauty has been the ultimate symbol of sensuality. She has a handsome face, perfect nose, pretty eyes and the husky smouldering voice to match her looks. A ‘divaesque’ fashionable Rekha mesmerized millions of fans with her unique seductive mysteriousness. For five decades, she has been setting the screen on fire, blazing a glorious trail in her wake. She has the distinction of holding an unbeatable record of portraying heroines in over 100 films. Her "transformation" from "a round ball of flesh" in the 70s into a toned and manicured ultimate fashion & beauty icon and screen 'star' in the 80s owing to her sheer talent and hard work. Every reinvention of gorgeous ‘Madam Re’ has been a voyage of discovery for this ultimate glam-goddess. She is reclusive like Garbo and will disappear like an apparition. She blossomed overnight with “Do Anjaane” and the 'real' Rekha was born on screen in ‘Ghar’....
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