Six decades ago, an unknown tubewell mechanic from Sahnewal (Ludhiana) set out on a journey to the ‘City of Dreams’ to realise his ambition of becoming a hero in the Bollywood. He is none other than “Punjab da Sher Puttar” Dharmendra. He is a born entertainer, acting is not a profession for him but it’s his beloved. A director's actor, he could don a dhoti with the same ease with which he could sport a Roman Toga, he could be smoldering in a tuxedo and set a million hearts ablaze. The way his face emotes expressions is unparalleled and his sensitive eyes create an intriguing romance wooing his heroines. Simply dashing Dharmendra with indelible romantic aura, remains true to his image of the lovable prince charming. He blasted the silver screen and the movie halls were drowned in a thousand whistles merely on his entry. He took rapid strides to become the poster boy for the tendon. He is known as the most handsome actor to have ever walked the soil of Indian showbiz. A top draw at...
Spotlight on Indian Cinema