There are shooting stars that come and go some blaze brightly and then fade away, but Dilip Kumar was the brightest star, whose light never dimmed. The Last Emperor of Indian cinema, Dilip had once ruled the silver screen with his glamorous prominence as an unmatched giant. The ultimate method actor, Dilip chose his passions mindfully and chiseled them to exemplary standards. His versatility, incredible dialogue delivery and typical disarming smile made him the screen legend beyond his image of a ‘tragedy king’. There was aesthetic classical bliss in his acting and always worked to get under the skin of the character he was portraying. He had a flair for playing the tragic roles but also proved that he was second to none in comedic roles. The erudite and observant Dilip Kumar defined the modern artiste and how he can marry the didactic and the aesthetic schools. Dilip Kumar, a perfectionist, was the touchstone of acting and has inspired generations of actors. His performances h...
Spotlight on Indian Cinema